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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Statement 2021

As a responsible business, Josewin Ltd and its subsidiary companies have a zero-tolerance approach to all types of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. In line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we set out below the steps we shall be taking to identify and minimise modern slavery risk.

Josewin Ltd and its subsidiary companies operate in the Financial Services sector, predominantly and almost exclusively within the UK, although some of its third-party suppliers may operate wholly or partially in different territories.

Josewin Ltd does not meet the legal requirement to publish a statement on Modern Slavery, but for the financial year 2020 will take steps to update its policies and procedures in line with the requirements of the Act.


The Group’s zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking will be underpinned by the internal and external policies that are communicated to every individual working for the Group, including employees and contractors as well as third-party suppliers.

As each year passes an updated statement will be published to show the advancements made by the Group to maintain its ethical approach to the business and the expectations in all parts of the supply chain.